IPO 1 exam 28 july 2013: 97-78-94=269
2nd place Wantij Bokaal 2013, IPO 2: 97-82-84=263
3rd place Lieftinck Bokaal 2014, IPO 3: 86-83-90=259
1st Place and Netherlands D.V.I.N. Champion Working 2014, IPO 3: 97-92-91=280
1st Place and Winner Grens Cup 2015, IPO 3: 96-96-88=280
8th Place Netherlands Championship Working Dog 2015, IPO 3: 90-90-76=256
3rd Place NBG Verenigingskampioenschap 2015, IPO 3: 93-94-93=280
2nd place Lieftinck Bokaal 2015, IPO 3: 91-90-88=269
1st Place and Netherlands D.V.I.N Champion Working 2015, IPO 3: 90-90-93=273
2nd place NBG Verenigingskampioenschap 2016, IPO 3: 90-92-95=277
11th Place Netherlands National Championships Working Dogs 2016, IPO 3: 90-90-80=260
Arrow van het Wantij
PHTVL/PHPV Free,HD-A, vWD Carrier(dna),Dilute DD
Cardio/24 u holtertest Normal(February 2010 and April
2011), BH.,ADPr,ZTP.1A-V,IPO 3
CAC.Uthleben,Thuringen Sieger 2010 and Best in Show.(Germany)
1st place and winner Heinis Bokaal 2011
1st place and winner Aad Lieftinck Bokaal 2011
2nd Place Dutch Championship Working 2011
F'Hiram-Abif Royal Bell BH , ZTP V1A,
VPG1/IPO1, French Brevet Ring
French Test working : CSAU - TAN - TAT - TC : 20/20 HD A, PHPV/PHTVL : Free,
vWD clear
Eko Royal
Eboni vom Residenzschloss
Allie van het Wantishof HD-B, PHTVL/PHPV free, vWD Carrier(dna),
3 x CAC,1 x CACIBr
Pro Fioreture Import Russia
HD-A, PHTVL/PHPV Free, vWD Clear, Dilute Dd.
Cardio/24 u Holtertest Normal(February 2010, February
2011,March 2012)
IPO I, BH ADPr. Starter-ZTP 1A-Sg.
1 x BOB, 3 x CAC
Pimm's Number One
Iz Doma Domeni ZTP1A,
Ch. Int, Rus, Rfk, Grnd, Blr, Lit, Geo, Rom, Bul, SRB&MN
Jivago Van Het Wantij HD-A, IPO III,
International, Belgian, German & VDH Champion Angekört ZVA-IA
von der Räuberhöhle Schh I, HD-A
Pro Kimberly Cristal IPO
1, HD-A
Ch. Rus, Pol, Ukr, Blr, Idc CW
Unless otherwise stated, all photos and text are
copyright by Kennel v h Wantij.
No photos or portions of text from this site may be used without express written permission
from the copyright holder.